Located in Merey-sous-Montrond in Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Burgundy Franche-Comté) - region where history meets rich and ancestral culinary traditions, Vilux has always seeked to share its love for good cuisine, cooked with the best ingredients.
Since the beginning, Vilux has gained and developed the loyalty of high demanding customers, as passionates about high quality food as we are !
Specialised in exportation, Vilux is a well known and recognised brand worldwide for its quality products and its high customer service professionalism.
Mustards, Oils, Condiments..., our wide range of products, hand-picked and produced with the greatest care, satisfies with catering professionals' expectations , as well as specialised resellers'.
Please visit our webpage "Products" to discover our full range of products.
Vilux is also engaged on both social and environmental concerns.
Indeed, we are taking very seriously waste sorting and recycling processes to protect the environment.
Implied in social support, we are cooperating with a specialised state institution (French so called "ESAT") to have some of our products packed, fostering disabled people's reintegration through working.
Please feel free to contact us for any information you might need on our products and activity, being food service or distribution, by clicking below button - or using contact form.